8th GAMM Workshop on Phase-field modeling

A two-days GAMM (German Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics) workshop on new developments and trends in phase-field modeling will take place at ETH (Alumni Pavillon) on February 6-7, 2023.


Date: 6-7.02.2023
Place: ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Host and Organizers

Dr.-Ing. Pietro Carrara
Dr.-Ing. Chenyi Luo
Prof. Dr. Laura De Lorenzis


Scientific organization: Dr.-Ing. Pietro Carrara
Administration: Kasia Di Muzio  

ETH Zurich
Computational Mechanics Group
Tannenstrasse 3, CLA 11.2
8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 44 632 45 29


Important dates

Abstract submission: January 6, 2023

Registration & Payment:

  • January 13, 2023 (Early Bird)
  • January 31, 2023 (regular fee)  


The fee for the workshop is 170 CHF (early, before January 13, 2023) and 200 CHF (regular, before January 31, 2023) per participant. It will cover:

  • light lunch on the second day
  • welcome snack and coffee breaks
  • workshop dinner


The GAMM activity group „Phasenfeldmodellierung“ (phase-field modeling) was founded in 2013 at the annual GAMM meeting in Novi Sad (Serbia). Its main aim is to provide a unified discussion platform to researchers from mathematics, mechanics and material science communities working on the broad topic of phase-field modeling. In particular, the goal of the annual workshop is to gather both young and established researchers from different institutions to favor the discussion regarding current trends in phase-field modeling and to promote collaborative projects.



This 8th workshop will focus on theoretical and application-related aspects on the phase-field approach to study physical phenomena such as fracture, diffusion, thermal conduction, ferro- and piezo-electric effects, phase transformation and separation processes, biomechanics, fluid mechanics, as well as coupled problems involving multiple processes. Also, the development of novel, efficient numerical algorithms will be discussed along with innovative approaches based on data-driven and/or machine learning methods.


Download it Download here (PDF, 58 KB)

Registration & payment

Please register by Jan 31, 2023 via the external page online registration form

After the registration, you will be linked to a secure page for payment. Note that we can accept payment by credit card only. After checkout, a receipt will be issued automatically.

Abstract Submission

The abstract of max. one page following the Download template (TEX, 6 KB) should be provided in tex and PDF form to Pietro Carrara by e-mail.


ETH Alumni Pavillon at the ETH – Zentrum-Campus (close to the ETH Main Building).

How to arrive

By air: from Zurich Airport take the tram line 10 (direction “Bahnhofplatz/HB”) and stop at “ETH/Universitätsspital”.

By rail: you can take the cosy “Polybahn” from the tram station “Central” just in front of the “Zurich Hauptbahnhof” that stops next to the Alumni Pavilion or alternatively you can take the tram line 6 (from the stop “Bahnhofquai/HB” direction “Zoo”) until “ETH/Universitätsspital”.

By car: (no reserved parking available)
A1 St. Margrethen-Zürich
A4 Thayngen-Winterthur + A1 Winterthur-Zürich
A3 Basel-Zürich


  • external page Hotel Ibis Styles 145/165 CHF (booking under external page hb5j7@accor.com, booking code: GAMM_ETH)
  • external page Hotel Bristol 130/155 CHF (booking under external page info@hotelbristol.ch, booking code: GAMM_ETH)
  • Hotel Walhalla 175 CHF, Guest House Walhalla 145 CHF (booking under external page https://walhalla-hotel.ch, booking code ETH23_SZ)