Group Members

Enlarged view: Prof. Laura De Lorenzis

Prof. Dr. Laura De Lorenzis
Professor of Computational Mechanics
Deputy Head of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering


Kasia Di Muzio
Administrative Assistant

CLA J 11.2
Tannenstrasse 3
8092 Zürich

Dr. Arefeh Abbasi

Dr. Arefeh Abbasi
Postdoctoral Scholar

Research Interests: experimental mechanics, constitutive law identification, fracture mechanics, mechanics of soft active materials and slender structures

Dr. Antoine Benady

Dr. Antoine Benady
Postdoctoral Scholar

Research Interests: physics-augmented neural networks, constitutive laws discovery, unsupervised learning, thermodynamics

Oliver Boolakee
Doctoral Student

Research Interests: lattice Boltzmann methods, process-property relations in additive manufacturing, coupled problems

Doctoral Student

Research Interests: data-driven engineering, optimization

Dr. Gerhard Bräunlich
Scientific Computing

Research IT Platforms
OCT G 35
Binzmühlestrasse 130
8092 Zürich

Dr. Pietro Carrara
Senior Assistant

Research Interests: phase-field modeling of fracture and fatigue, data-driven computational mechanics, 3D X-ray imaging and experimental mechanics  

Doctoral Student

Research Interests: phase-field modeling of anisotropic fracture, short fiber reinforced polymers, multiscale modeling

Saeid Ghouli
Doctoral Student

Research Interests: data-driven discovery of constitutive laws, topology optimization

Jonas Heinzmann
Doctoral Student

Research Interests: phase-field modeling of fracture and fatigue, variational methods, acceleration schemes  

Dr. Alexander Henkes
Postdoctoral Scholar

Research Interests: artificial neural networks, uncertainty quantification, continuum (micro-)mechanics  

Helge Hille
Doctoral Student

Research Interests: isogeometric analysis, extrusion-based additive manufacturing  

Andrea Lamperti
Doctoral Student

Research Interests: reactive transport modeling, porous media mechanics

Doctoral Student

Research Interests: phase-field modeling of ductile fracture, variational fracture mechanics

Sepehr Mousavi
Doctoral Student

Research Interests: data-driven modeling of constitutive laws, physics-based machine learning, operator learning

Hamza Oudich
Doctoral Student

Research Interests: phase-field modeling of phase transformations coupled with mechanics, fracture in batteries

Veit Schönherr
Lab Technician

CLA J 14.2
Tannenstrasse 3
8092 Zürich

Francesco Vicentini
Doctoral Student

Research Interests: phase-field modeling of fracture, bone fracture

Julie Weverbergh

Julie Weverbergh
Doctoral Student

Research Interests: lattice Boltzmann methods for solid mechanics, elastodynamics

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